Fat Seagull Art Studio

I was born and raised in rural Ontario, Canada and had the privilege of being raised on a dairy farm by my Dutch Immigrant parents. After leaving home at the age of seventeen I completed my education as a Registered Nurse and worked in various Hospital Centres around Ontario, Canada. I eventually settled my career in the Operating Room as a Charge Nurse managing the Adult/Paediatric Orthopaedic, Spine and Trauma theaters. I am a self taught contemporary artist that uses different medians of art as a stress reliever from my work as well as raising four children. I became interested in BAS-RELIEF (pronounced BAH-RELIEF) approximately ten years ago. BAS-RELIEF is a technique that Donatello from Florence, Italy used from 1386-1455 and it became very popular during the 15th century. I create BAS-RELIEF by gently sculpting plaster/gypsum onto a 2D wooden panel which produces a 3D appearance subtly from all angles. After my image carving is completed, I occasionally add different mixed media and complete the creation with paint. (oil or acrylic).

Contact Information :

E-Mail : fatseagullarts@gmail.com